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the world-cultural-shock in 2025

The World-Cultural-


Das Weltkulturerbe

Widening horizons


Curse or blessing

Ursula Sabisch, Empress, Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck, Germany

To the World Population
in the Matter on Order of the
To the FRG
As Distributor Worldwide

Germany, Luebeck, January 29, 2025

The German-language document you may find here!

Many coincidences. Blessing or curse, that is the question!

Dear Readers, Dear German Federal Commissioners,

Dear Americans,

As just reported in the news, $600 billion on the market of an American company have been written off or squandered by the profits of a new competitor from China as a result of the global financial policy of the stock market!

Naturally, this gives a businessman and American president a shaking in his boots! The brain of such a president or businessman signals to him once again to immediately stop all spending, especially to underdeveloped foreign countries and to competitors in the market that cannot advance the own country, but rather set it back!
And how could it be otherwise than that the Third World will be asked to pay, in that the cuts in these important funds from the USA will mean that there will be no further aid or medicines for these people, because after all, the 600 billion dollars that were indirectly cleared by the Chinese on the financial market must somehow be recouped.
Whether, for example, a little African girl has to lose her life for it, or whether it will be millions of little boys who will die because of the whim of an overburdened businessman who has been put in a tight corner, no one gives a damn!

And what an American president is signaling must also be thought through in the FRG, in that border crossings must also be set up immediately and illegal immigration must be prevented or better monitored and thus particularly immigrants who have committed crimes can be deported with immediate effect.

But the FRG allegedly has completely different problems, and that is through a party like the AfD, Alternative for Germany.

Because the Federal Republic of Germany is a parliamentary democracy. According to the Internet, this means that the parliament elected by the people decides on politics. In Germany, this is the German Bundestag.
Now the federal government does not want to be replaced by the AfD, because this party would allegedly diminish or even end democracy and good relations and belonging to the European Union.

However, a ban on the AfD is once again being discussed in the Bundestag, which unfortunately is a little late on the agenda, since the AfD has long since moved into the Bundestag and has a large following among the electorate. And so the understanding of democracy is coming back to the minds of politicians.

It is discussed here and there and even the Federal Constitutional Court is instructed to examine the facts and the admission of this party elected by the people. So perhaps the federal government was far too sure of democracy as a form of government and now has to admit that a part of the people would decide quite differently and not for a democracy.

The question that arises, however, is actually a fundamental one and thus quite simple: Do we really have to tolerate a party that attacks or can abolish the very principle and core of a form of government, in that the form of government could change and, for example, at some point no longer allow free elections?
The answer is: No, as a democracy we don't have to and we must not tolerate it because of the achievements of democracy as such!

Even what use is a parliamentary democracy to the people if it has no sensible guiding principle, if it claims to be based on Christianity but has thrown almost everything that is Christian and goes far beyond life overboard in a very clear and unmistakable way? And this happened through the promises of all parties in a democracy, by courting the favor of the voters or rather the votes for a party!

For example, the Federal Republic of Germany has also positioned itself in line with the wishes of the people, because when a federal representative was sworn in, the oath of such personalities was taken without God's help, in that the natural laws given by God are no longer protected by the constitution, but supposedly contemporary changes to the law are the order of the day.

The really sad thing about it is that the guiding principle of a meaningful life for the people has been lost and now an artificially prepared life has become the answer to many questions. The question that arises is: Do we have to accept and tolerate this? The answer is: No, we must not and must not tolerate or allow this!

The guiding principle of every form of government and every people in the world is extremely easy to recognize and must be discovered and re-conquered, by actually ensuring that it is implemented in practice and not just by talking nonsense and thinking that one can lead a people, when what many people want is a meaningful life and this must be included!
The guiding principle is the unconditional fight against evil, or, to be more specific, victory over the devil and his accomplices, who have submitted to mammon or the desire for power, especially in politics and in church.

It cannot be true that young people, mostly the sons of poorer or more dangerous countries, want to emigrate to try their luck in a foreign country and possibly also to be able to provide for their families left behind, which means that many of them have only become criminals due to the difficult situation and disadvantage caused by language difficulties in a foreign country.

These boys or men came to the capitalist countries under the very worst conditions and just wanted a future worth living in that most of the offenders also wanted to work and earn money as immigrants!

The deportation of these young men and the increased border controls are a victory all down the line, but unfortunately it is the devil's victory, because he has once again made more prey out of the fools of many politicians and church people!

And he can achieve this with ease, because he has created enough fools in politics and the church all over the world who argue about the admission of a party, but who, when it comes to the admission and spread of the devil and his followers, can only see their advantages and profit!

The guide is very simple and anyone can use it anywhere and at any opportunity, but as the fools of the end time, one would rather go on the talk shows and play one's role by presenting one's acquired title as a professor or doctor, but no longer has a grip on reality and cowardly suppresses this real and actual truth from the public.

It cannot be the case at this advanced stage that, for example, the guests on all the talk shows have not been made aware of the overdimensional area, which must have been done preferably by my person. So my person is slowly but surely wondering what the expert term for such pathological behavior of the contemporary witnesses of these events is and which symptoms will be the same for everyone and which will be different.

Unfortunately, my person has not completed a degree in psychology, otherwise my person could be even clearer!
The guiding principle of humanity must be the fight against evil and not, on the contrary, the fight against Authority, you fools! And because no one should allow themselves to be destroyed at his/ her core, but would rather destroy themselves to avoid being brought down by others, you and others should hurry, because not only you and a supposedly eligible electorate have a free pass for the mentally handicapped, but my person, just like everyone else, has a free pass that most likely currently also could even enable the very sick people to ignore reality.

But at some point the final straw that breaks, which has already happened for me personally, in that now, because of a self-important president and his followers, the third world is also being asked to pay through starvation or death from a lack of medication.
The answer to this situation must be as follows for all people: The American president can do and sign whatever he wants to and whatever he likes, but you and everyone else in the world please will only do and leave what the Authorities have instructed and ordered you and everyone else to do!

The clock is already ticking, and the line will now be drawn on the matter by two sides, because my person knows, even without a degree or completion in psychology, how to end this state of affairs and the devil's encroachment, but then there will only be time to limit the damage to humanity and more items, you cowards!


If you and everyone else does not want to or cannot form a reasonable and sensible and appropriate form of government, which is unmistakably God-given as a worldwide Monarchy, then you should finally go to hell and no longer hide behind the Authority! The shot is already slowly going in a different direction and thus backfiring, I can almost promise you that, you extremely clever psychologists!